Monday, June 8, 2009

Jane Austen Society of Australia

The Jane Austen Society of Australia was founded in July 1989 to bring together admirers of Jane Austen in this part of the world.

We are scholars, enthusiasts, amateurs and professionals, gathering on equal terms to study and celebrate the genius of Jane Austen.

We are interested in Jane's life, her writings and the era that gave shape to them both.

Sensibilities, the journal of the Jane Austen Society of Australia, is published twice-yearly (June and December), and sent to all members free. The journal includes transcripts of presentations at JASA meetings, and other items of interest to members, including book and film reviews, and is praised for its consistently high literary standards.

The JASA Chronicle published twice yearly (June and December) and sent to all members free. It contains news and views, book reviews and articles by JASA members and others.

Meetings and events are held all around Australia. See the calendar at for more information.

The next meeting for the Canberra branch of the Jane Austen Society of Australia is on Saturday 27th June, a Midwinter Feast. For more information contact, or phone (02) 6286 8336.

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